Fr. John B. Kwan 關傑棠神父

Fr. Kwan, Parish Priest of St. Margaret's Church in Happy Valley and Dean of the Hong Kong East Deanery, is the author of the well known "A Fisherman's Series" (漁夫集). His elder brother is also a priest serving in the diocese while his elder sister is a member of the Daughters of Charity of the Canossian Institute.

On 30th June 2014, Fr. Kwan celebrates the 35th Anniversary of his and four other diocesan priests' ordinations.

In the interview he talks about his path to priesthood and his views on priestly vocation....more on Hong Kong Diocesan Audio-Visual Centre

2014年5月21日 香港培聖會會長黃智偉訪問關傑棠神父.... 更多有關林關傑棠神父的參考資料:
香港天主教教區視聽中心 [口述歷史]


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